

How to talk to kids with social anxiety

Though social anxiety can appear at any age, most cases begin to appear around age 13 — an age where social “uneasiness” is quite common. The greatest indicator of your child having social anxiety is if fear or anxiety prevents your child from social interaction and/or from doing regular daily tasks including academics, personal/school relationships, and life enjoyment. Read More


I believe that a lot of our suffering and a sense of unfulfillment both come from not loving ourselves enough. We are so hard on ourselves. We often relentlessly push ourselves toward our goals, and wonder why we are exhausted. Most of us treat ourselves how our parents treated us when we were young. If you learned that you were a burden or not good enough in childhood, you are likely treating yourself the same way today. Read More

How to stop freaking out over little things.

Oftentimes, we’re unable to manage the bigger things, so we try to gain control of the smaller things…but when we can’t, we freak out. Unfortunately, these things are often out of our power to control. The good news? We have the power to become aware, take action, and eventually build up our strength to manage these daily adversities better and help us quickly overcome uncertainty. Read More


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How can I support someone struggling with suicidal thoughts?

If you suspect that someone close to you is suicidal, not knowing what to do or say can be extremely distressing. It can be a scary topic to address, and it’s completely normal to feel helpless; you might feel stuck and unsure of how to help. There are a few ways that we can support someone who is struggling. Although suicidal ideation should always be addressed with a professional, you still play a large role in helping someone feel heard. Keeping these four tips in mind will help you navigate this topic and prevent risk. Read More



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Inner Child Healing

Intense and uncontrolled emotional outbursts, distrust towards others, excessive people-pleasing, fear of abandonment, feeling ashamed of expressing emotion…these are only a few of the signs pointing towards a wounded inner child. Our inner child is always within us; it is the part of our psyche that holds on to innocence, creativity, and inspiration in life. Our inner child becomes wounded when we experience abuse as a child. You might have grown up in an environment where your parents failed to nurture your emotional needs. Read More

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most popular utilized evidenced based therapies in the mental health profession today, pairing it with the ability to conduct session online, makes it a winning combination! CBT can be applied to varying types of problems that people experience in their lives. From depression, anxiety, eating disorders, phobias, addictions, stress and much more.

The 3 way’s iCBT can help boost your confidence:  Read More